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Writer's pictureCandy Widdifield

Dear Candy Q & A: Managing the Heat

Candy Widdifield

Jun 21, 2021

3 min read

Q: Did you have heat symptoms and if so how did you overcome them?

A: I did experience some sensitivity to both hot and cold. I did not address these issues directly in my own retraining, and found that they went away on their own as I rewired my brain. That being said, I have helped others address this issue more directly in their retraining and have some tips & suggestions for you in the answers below.

Q: If I take medication to help deal with the skin/sun ITs, can I still train on this? Would it hurt to have this medical support to be more comfortable while training? I don't like the thought of taking more medication but I also want to enjoy the outdoors. I am conflicted.

A: Yes, you can still train on something while taking medication for it. As Joe Dispenza says, our own internal neurochemistry that we can access and create is far more powerful than anything we take that is external to us. The medication will not get in the way of you accessing your own neurochemistry needed for rewiring. It may help improve the discomfort to a level that allows you to retrain more easily with it, and may improve your quality of life in the mean time while you are still in the process of retraining by allowing you to engage more in life and spend more time outdoors.

Q: Do you have any tips and ideas generally for problems with heat and sun?

  1. Mentally rehearse being out in the sun and heat, and feeling good. This helps to prepare your brain for the changes that are ahead, and since your brain doesn't know the difference between external reality and what you imagine, it can be a gentle way to start incremental training. If this triggers you, do a round of practice afterward.

  2. Remember times in the past when you were in the sun or heat and had a great time (perhaps playing at the beach as a child). This reminds your brain that it hasn't always been difficult for you to be in those conditions. When we are stuck in maladaptive pathways, the brain forgets that there were other experiences and sees the current experience as your only reality. We want to remind the brain that things were different before and can be different again.

  3. Do small exposures combined with a round of practice, or redirecting your focus and elevating your emotional state. This will help to incrementally train your brain into being more comfortable in those conditions. Starting small and working your way up can often lead to success faster than trying to push longer periods of time right from the beginning.

  4. Remember that our temperature is primarily regulated by the hypothalamus, which is directly affected by the state of your limbic system and nervous system. The more calm and relaxed we can be, the more we can stay out of a stress response and elevate our emotional state, the sooner your hypothalamus can adjust back to normal functioning.

  5. When you do go out in the sun/heat, do something enjoyable or fun. This will help to create a positive association more quickly.

  6. If you do have a negative reaction, immediately do some practice rounds and tell your brain that you are safe. This is not a threat and your brain is overreacting. As Jeffrey Schwartz says, don't believe everything you think because your brain is sending you false messages. The more we can stay out of fear, the sooner the brain will adjust to a new level of normal.

Q: I can have its which come on me very suddenly from heat. Any the crash would last days. Is there a way to train without crashing?

A: Mentally rehearse and start will small exposures combined with rounds of practice. Work your way up slowly. Often less is more and will help you to make progress faster.

Q: Is doing rounds while getting exposure a good method?

A: Absolutely! By exposing yourself to the sun/heat and then doing rounds (or changing your focus and elevating your emotional state) you are changing your brain's association with that experience. It teaches your brain that the exposure is not a threat to you, and that sun/heat does not need to be a stressor to your system. This allows the limbic system to calm down and start to recognize that being in the sun/heat is okay for you, perhaps even pleasant and enjoyable.

Until next time!

If you have a question, please email me at


Candy Widdifield is Registered Clinical Counsellor, Wellness Coach, and Registered Reiki Master Teacher in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. She works with people all over the world, helping them to optimize their wellbeing and thrive in their lives. Her modalities include coaching, therapy, Reiki and the Safe & Sound Protocol. More information about Candy can be found at


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